Friday, October 24, 2008

Face: To Overcome Black heads.

Overcome Black headsUsually blackheads are the result of oily skin and due to blocked pores. After a warm bath the face should be splashed with cold water.

In a utensil add 5-6 cups of water and add 1 lime juice. Put the utensil on fire and remove it from heat when the water boils. Place it on a table and cover the head with a large towel, to take the steam on the face. Rub the blackheads firmly with a face towel after 10 minutes of steaming. Wash the face with chilled water to close the pores.

Tip 1: Boil 3-4 cups of water and add 2 tsp soda bicarbonate to this. Steam a towel with this and place the towel on the face. Repeat it 5-6 times. Now rub the face in the area of the blackheads with a paste of 1 tsp curd mixed with 1 tsp of rice flour. Wash it with cold water.

Tip 2: Rub a pinch of table salt mixed with a pinch of the soft soggy portion of a glycerin soap. (Pears) Rub well into the blackheads. Repeat this for a week.

Tip 3: Take 1 tsp of fresh coriander leaf juice with ½ tsp of turmeric powder. Apply this at bed time and wash it in the morning. Repeat this for a week.

Tip 4: Take 1 tsp lime juice and mixed it with 1 tsp of fine powdered cinnamon. Apply this at bed time and wash it in the morning.

Face: To reduce Wrinkles.

Reduce WrinklesWrinkles generally appeared due to age, Stress and dry skin. You should always keep the areas around the eyes mouth and nose and also the neck well clean and moisturized.

Take 1 tbsp of cold milk and add 3-4 drops of lime juice. Rub this paste well into the wrinkles before going to sleep. The next morning wash it with warm water and dry it with a rough towel firmly. After that apply a cream and rub - in the direction opposite to the wrinkles. Wait for ½ an hour and wash it, avoid using soap after this method.

Tips 1: Rub the pulp of a ripe Papaya on the face and leave for ½ an hour before washing. This is a very good toner as well.

Tips 2: Rub almond oil on the wrinkles in upward strokes, and leave it for overnight and wash it with warm water next morning.

Tips 3: Cut open a Vitamin -E capsule, add ½ tsp of glycerine and apply. Wash it after 15- 20 minutes.

Tips 4: Add ½ tsp honey to 1 tsp rice powder. Smooth en the lines with this paste. Leave it for ½ an hour and then wash it.

Tips 5: Mix 1 tsp of honey with 1 tsp of milk cream. Apply well, and wash it after 20 minutes.

Note: Treatment for wrinkles should be done everyday for a period of 30 - 40 days to have good visible results.
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